Managing your Office 365 Mailbox

The purpose of this page is to provide simplified instructions on how to manage your mailbox. More detailed instructions from ITS can be found in the Office 365 Management for Mailbox Owners.


Some changes to your settings can take up to 24 hours to propagate through the system.

Office 365 Maibox Management

Log into the Outlook Web App using your EID credentials with DUO and select Office 365 Management, see below:


My Mailbox

You will then be presented with the following screen:

My Mailbox

Display Name

Set an appropriate Display Name. This will be presented in the global address list and on your email correspondence.

Display Name

Primary mail address

This is your primary email address that is listed in the global address list.


Changing the primary email address will result in a disruption of service. You will be required to reauthenticate using your new primary email address on all devices that are configured where you view email.

Primary Mailbox

Secondary mail addresses

This is the list of secondary addresses for your mailbox, also can be referred to as aliases. Any mail sent to these addresses will land in your primary mailbox. You’re allowed only one primary mailbox but allowed multiple aliases or secondary addresses.

Secondary email addresses

You’re free to add additional secondary addresses on any of the domains presented in the drop down.